Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sausage Stuffers Ontario

Tour Tour 4

continued our tour of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, the famous tourist street in the Scottish capital in the last part, Cannongate.

We arrived at the residential part of this long street. Cannongate has always been influenced by the presence of the Palace of Holyrood, at the end of this section. so much so that many noble appearance more social than anything else, they built their homes on this side, as close to the palace.
Some of the most striking homes and places are:
Cannongate Tolbooth, a former local prison, and now a traditional museum.
Cannongate Kirk, the church where the monks lived once inhabited the Abbey of Holyrood, and its cemetery.

Museum of Edinburgh, leading museum of city history.

The Scottish Parliament, officially launched on October 9, 2004, the English architect Enric Miralles was, who died during its construction. Comment that almost 50% of people are in your favor, and 50% for reconstruyese .... they cost 10 times their original project.

This photograph is taken from the Wikipedia article, specifically at: Read it, it's funny.

This photo if mine.

And at the end of the street is Holyrood Palace, a building dating from the sixteenth century and currently serves as the official residence of the Queen of England when you visit Scotland. Impressive not only the building, also gardens and a maze of trails where it is very pleasant strolling, and eventually we can come to Arthur's Seat Arthur's Seat, an extinct volcano from which there are great views of the city.

Holyrood Palace (this picture is not mine, taken from kingdomofscotland, thanks ..)

These photos if they are truly, Holyrood Palace and Abbey.

Leaving the Palace, continue the tour visiting the ancient abbey.

as it was before its destruction.

After leaving the Abbey, we continue to walk through the gardens, a very nice ride ..

Views of "Arthur's seat"


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