Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lista Silników Tibia 8.1


Edinburgh is the capital and second largest city largest in Scotland after Glasgow.
is located on the east coast of Scotland, along the Firth of Forth river. Capital of Scotland since 1437 and home of the Scottish Executive. The district Old Town and New Town, was named by Unesco as a World Heritage Site in 1995. It is the second most visited city in the UK, after London.
Some celebrities: Alexander Graham Bell, Tony Blair, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Sir Sean Connery, JK Rowling, Sir Walter Scortt.

Edinburgh, legendary. Always among stories and legends. Robert Louis Stevensons always present where the inspiration for his book Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, and Sir Walter Scott, with readings as Ivanhoe and thanks to him the discovery of the treasure of the Crown of Scotland. Edinburgh, always in the shadow of the imposing castle, town of medieval streets, balconies, walkways and fireplaces small ..

This great fortress was built on basalt rock 135 meters on an extinct volcano, built around the sixth century. Symbol of resistance of Scots, was captured several times by the British. In fact, it is one one of the few places where flies the British flag alone. Something not like anything in Edinburgh.


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