Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Stirling Castle and Loch Lomond

Una excursión de un día puede ser la visita al Castillo de Stirling y al lago (loch) Lomond

El Castillo de Stirling está situado en la parte superior de la cima de una colina de Stirling.  Es uno de los mayores y más importantes castillos de Escocia. Está rodeado por tres lados por abruptos acantilados y era una posición estratégica para la guardia de cruce del rio Forth.  En este castillo fue coronada la reina María de Escocia a la edad de 10 meses.

Este castillo era conocido como "la llave de Escocia", ya que controlaba casi todo el moving north-south goods and people across Scotland. In 1297 the castle was controlled by the English army of Edward I, on the hill opposite, the rebel leaders, led by William Wallace and Andrew Moray. The British were no match for the "rebellious" Scots. During the campaign period of the Moray and Wallace were killed. Scotland would have to wait until 1314 for independence. The Scottish army, led by Robert the Bruce , defeated Edward II, again in a struggle for Stirling Castle.

To see a location map of the photos, click HERE

Here you can see a tower, is a monument in honor of William Wallace

We left and headed for Stirling Loch Lomond, and it is lunchtime, and we passed a small village called Aberfoyle, very nice, and following the instructions of the guide, we will eat a pub called The Forth Inn, which also has bedrooms. Well, the food here was a pleasant surprise. Given that the area is abundant breeding lamb, the menu could not be more than lamb (lamb ). The main course was lamb with mint sauce ... well ... Paul: I'm still as was ... and after dessert chocolate ... great, and a very, very contenido.Muy recommended the photo as evidence "of crime."

let us go to Loch Lomond (Loch Lomond)

Its dimensions are approximately 37 km long and 8 wide. Its average depth is 37 meters with a maximum of 190 meters. It has an area of \u200b\u200b71 km2 of surface area is the largest of the lakes (lochs) from the island of Great Britain.
A curiosity .. In the Tintin comics, the favorite drink of Captain Haddock (and sometimes Snowy) is the Whisky Loch Lomond. This brand of whiskey when Hergé was not made appear in his work, but now there is a Loch Lomond Distillery, whiskey that makes and sells under the trade name.
In 2005 a survey of readers of British magazine Radio Times television on the Loch Lomond placed in sixth place in the most beautiful natural wonders of Great Britain. Let



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