Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Difference Between Gas Starter And Gas Fireplace

Tour Tour Edinburgh 1 Edinburgh 2 Edinburgh 3

We at The Royal Mile, but left the first part, "Castlehill," and continue through the second, "Lawnmarket.
In this part of town is a beautiful church known as the Cathedral in Edinburgh, is the church Saint Giles, majestic Gothic church by John Xnox repformada in the sixteenth century, to undertake the reform, which would be separated from the English ecclesiastical domain. In its interior stained glass art, tombstones of historic Scotland and the chapel dons meet components of the ancient and noble Order of the Thistle, The Most English Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle) In Scotland, the Order of the Thistle represents the highest honor and is second in importance after the Order of the Garter.
Legend has it that a party of Scottish soldiers asleep avoided being attacked by Vikings when one of these stepped on a thistle with bare feet, her screams alerted the Scots, who fought in due course. As gratitude to the plant that survived, the "Guardian Thistle", as it became known, became the symbol of Scotland.
The Church of Saint Giles is the principal monument of this section of the street.

Leaving Saint Giles, you can see on the ground a heart of stone carved in the ground, which marks the spot where once stood the jail.

Close encontrammos Lady Stair's House, and housed inside the Writers' Museum, Writer's Museum, inside which you can see manuscripts and various objects of great Scottish writers like Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott.

If you look closely, we find that near the entrances to homes and businesses, there are a few alleys, passages, very striking, which move from one street to another address, or in some cases are those that allow access to other building interior, with its little square garden correspondiene.


we striking decorations on the walls.


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