Thursday, November 11, 2010

Basketball Hoops Onsloped Driveway

NEVER do not make a general Dismantling

When removing the engine of our future careers beast, we have had some little surprise.

So when we opened the bottom cover of the housing and we realized something we do not like: the happy silicone gasket. And orange, to make it look more ...

Clearly, the beret threaded ports that made him such a botch of the motorcycle not able to put a board is of the opinion, and concluded that the more you put silicone, the better. Cojo.
score? The pressure oil pipes (providing oil to the crankcase crankshaft, head caps of connecting rods, camshaft, rocker shafts even) fillings. With a pair.
But if even the pan was filled with silicone release !!!!!

Even the bolt that attaches the cuff lubrication with housing heads took silicone ...

Results ... the imaginable. Main bearings and big end caps on to shoot, and neck crankshaft to hell. Hala, request and correct oversize bearings.

To make matters worse, and also by lack of grease, the pistons have been going well marked, although the cylinder liners seem fine.

Something marked are also the axes of the rocker, but there's more stumps. Who comes up with a bike and do not mess around watching a miserable shop manual or a cutting? The copper washer goes between the bracket and spring, and not attached to the rocker !!!!!

However, by Fortunately I think this bike has rolled slightly under these conditions. Or it seemed to be the acceptable state of the cylinder liner, or the big end caps on which are marked, but not broken, as I have seen in other engines, able to eat the covers entire three laps of the circuit lubrication failure.

I still have to thank ...

But that's not all. The group also has a conical kidding.
That you see in the picture is not metal spacer that should be there to gauge correctly the crown against the pinion. Is a set of paper glued together. With two balls as well.

But once again, thank heaven, or was curiously seems well gauged, or that the bike has run low, as no marks on the sprockets appreciate ...


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