Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ferris Bueller Leapord Print Vest

eReaders Drawing and Amazon using the "epub?

are only rumors at present, but they charge a lot of strength in recent days, and are many reasons to believe that not only is true but it could soon produce a landing of the famous shop epub digital.

thing that can make clear the intention to Amazon to make the jump to the next epub since September 2010 when the company announced on his forum that his program Kindle Previewer 1.5 included support for epub format. This was commended in the Kindle forums because it was believed that support of epub by Amazon could be close, but that was that.

But the news that soon may distribute the epub Amazon has returned to the stage, mostly spurred by The Digital Reader and Goodereader they did mention in this week of 4 major American distributors of books, as a leak, would soon permission to upload their products to Amazon epub format. Entoces ink ran the internet and attempted to refute the story asking the same distributors and Amazon for that matter. Amazon has not said (silence is consent) and distributors have not been sharp in his responses, so that such actions seem to confirm the rumor.

What else could confirm the news? ePub version 3 is ready for this 2011. Is said to be a major upgrade and its abundant and new features and design of giving effect to this format will delight the users. Would Amazon be able to stay outside and then lose many users and / or buyers? I think not.

But it is for me and it's a personal opinion, the most important clue is the appearance of the tablet from Amazon that would be crazy not support this format presented . Indeed, many DRM formats epub is not supported between different models (Sony vs Nook, Apple iPad ...) but Amazon will not be silly, sure is also a mine of business here and not want to miss a thing.

So after all these conclusions, if you ask the question in the title "Amazon using epub? I would say categorically YES. If instead ask ourselves using epub Kindle? The answer would be more in the air, as they start giving Amazon epub support on the Kindle is more difficult to believe. Anyway, the tablet of your Amazon is already here and can to change much the picture of the ebook and all, sooner or later come, and repeating, Amazon is not going to waste any where reef break.

wait until tomorrow, which opens the BEA (Book Expo America), the book fair in the U.S. and is often a great global impact. There will be Apple, B & N and Amazon among others, and can cause many surprises ... the tablets or the Amazon, the new eReader B & N, the official announcement of the arrival of 3.0 or distribution epub books in epub by Amazon ...


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