Friday, May 20, 2011

Can A 14 Year Old Wendy

eReaders The future of Color LCD

The portability and form of future eReaders is what I am going to comment here that can be applied a future technology for mobile / cell phones, netbooks, notebooks, tablets ...

And is that within a 5 to 7 years improvements such as folding screens are already on the market. And we're talking about real devices and not prototypes, which makes it even more exciting.

What do you think these images? Too futuristic?

For there do not exist as such, but the first two (winner conceptual de un reciente concurso de Fujitsu) y la tercera imagen, se acercan y asemejan a la realidad actual y futura, y además no tan lejana de los eReaders. Como puede ser esto:

Como veís ahí, se trata de una pantalla plegable que podría trasladarse al primer concepto de dispositivo plegable. Pero claro, aún tenemos más mejoras en este tipo de futuras pantallas. Y es que, como comentan en Engadget, Samsung ha anunciado el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo de pantallas plegables y táctiles cuya baza principal es que apenas se deterioran en la zona donde se produce el doblez. Según cuenta la compañía, la hazaña es posible gracias the use of two AMOLED panels, a special type of silicone and glass enclosure. Without going any further, its creators boast that the invention is capable of withstanding a maximum of one hundred thousand cycles of bending, without causing wrinkles or decrease the brightness by more than 6%.

And while the Samsung screen is not available yet, if we can see the current capabilities of the in vivo folding screens, with this video on a mobile phone with a touchscreen than 9 fold "in addition to allowing call also allow us to read books for example.

Now after all this, we return to the conceptual IAMG Fujitsu Do you seems so preposterous to within a few years? I already I'm imagining! And you?


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