Monday, May 23, 2011

Fastest Shutter Speed On Point And Shoot Camera

BEA: Book Expo America

From today 23 to 26 May is the book fair held in USA. BookExpo America (BEA) is North America's largest gathering of professionals from the publishing industry by attracting even international audiences. is organized with the support of the Association of American Publishers (AAP) and the American Booksellers Association (ABA). BEA is recognized by the media as an important fair, as they unveil the next book coming, and the presence of notable authors appearing at the convention.

And in this fair we will have the presence of three exhibitors very special. One is Apple, which last year was but as an assistant, not as an exhibitor. We will have a Barnes & Noble on 24 plans to present his new book reader MyNook . And the other very high-profile presence is confirmed and the Amazon, which will pro the first time in this fair.

Amazon will not only assistant but will exhibitor at BEA this 2011, even have a the best tents . not big, but one of the main entries . Surely the Kindle will be published prominently in his tent, accompanied by his other brothers Kindle Kindle 3 and DX, but here comes the interesting question Do we have any surprise? Appears tablets or Amazon? Will their code names, and Coyote Hollwood, real?

I will keep you informed of this exciting event.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Minnetonka Moccasin Company Dealers

Winner of I Concur bq

Well, we finished the contest sponsored by bq which I called for contributing your picture of the world ebook / eReader. And after a tight vote to get the first job that involved our contest prize, a bq Pocket Plus, we have a winner.

Or in this case, we say the winner, the follower of the blog ESTELA , with his drawing " On the beach" was the winner with 11 votes. Followed by "Boxing match " with 10 votes, " Students" with 4 and finally "Dog reading" with 3 votes. (I will vote on the page a few days if there is any claim)

Congratulations to the winner, thanks in part to the finalists and thanks to the blog users who voted in the contest. Hopefully we can soon make another contest with another theme and with a payout.

I leave again with the winning design.

Ferris Bueller Leapord Print Vest

eReaders Drawing and Amazon using the "epub?

are only rumors at present, but they charge a lot of strength in recent days, and are many reasons to believe that not only is true but it could soon produce a landing of the famous shop epub digital.

thing that can make clear the intention to Amazon to make the jump to the next epub since September 2010 when the company announced on his forum that his program Kindle Previewer 1.5 included support for epub format. This was commended in the Kindle forums because it was believed that support of epub by Amazon could be close, but that was that.

But the news that soon may distribute the epub Amazon has returned to the stage, mostly spurred by The Digital Reader and Goodereader they did mention in this week of 4 major American distributors of books, as a leak, would soon permission to upload their products to Amazon epub format. Entoces ink ran the internet and attempted to refute the story asking the same distributors and Amazon for that matter. Amazon has not said (silence is consent) and distributors have not been sharp in his responses, so that such actions seem to confirm the rumor.

What else could confirm the news? ePub version 3 is ready for this 2011. Is said to be a major upgrade and its abundant and new features and design of giving effect to this format will delight the users. Would Amazon be able to stay outside and then lose many users and / or buyers? I think not.

But it is for me and it's a personal opinion, the most important clue is the appearance of the tablet from Amazon that would be crazy not support this format presented . Indeed, many DRM formats epub is not supported between different models (Sony vs Nook, Apple iPad ...) but Amazon will not be silly, sure is also a mine of business here and not want to miss a thing.

So after all these conclusions, if you ask the question in the title "Amazon using epub? I would say categorically YES. If instead ask ourselves using epub Kindle? The answer would be more in the air, as they start giving Amazon epub support on the Kindle is more difficult to believe. Anyway, the tablet of your Amazon is already here and can to change much the picture of the ebook and all, sooner or later come, and repeating, Amazon is not going to waste any where reef break.

wait until tomorrow, which opens the BEA (Book Expo America), the book fair in the U.S. and is often a great global impact. There will be Apple, B & N and Amazon among others, and can cause many surprises ... the tablets or the Amazon, the new eReader B & N, the official announcement of the arrival of 3.0 or distribution epub books in epub by Amazon ...

After Brush Toothbrush Cleanser

Bookeen continues to improve their screens

Mirasol E-Ink or are not the only ones pulling the boat out in terms of improvements and new features in their electronic ink displays, Bookeen is here to reclaim his job.

Bookeen has just released a new brief demonstration of real movement on their screens. even seems much more fluid than video I showed you recently from Bookeen .

Saturday, May 21, 2011

38.25 X 11.25 Jigsaw Puzzle Frame

Gmini MagicBook M6P

In Russia also draw their exclusive model eReader and they would not be less!
Gmini Announced by the company in February this year, was scheduled to launch in March but has been in this May when it has occurred.

The Gmini MagicBook M6P has an electronic ink display 6 "Pearl type (such as Kindle and Sony PRS) , 4GB of internal storage, a micro slot SD card and FM radio.

The M6P read a large number of text formats including fb2, EPUB and PDF. also has a music player that supports MP3, WMA, OGG and WAV.
I have no data yet on battery life or if you have wireless or other instruments. May be confirmed when it goes on sale later this month. The price will be around 6,990 rubles ($ 248 / 175 €).

Friday, May 20, 2011

Can A 14 Year Old Wendy

eReaders The future of Color LCD

The portability and form of future eReaders is what I am going to comment here that can be applied a future technology for mobile / cell phones, netbooks, notebooks, tablets ...

And is that within a 5 to 7 years improvements such as folding screens are already on the market. And we're talking about real devices and not prototypes, which makes it even more exciting.

What do you think these images? Too futuristic?

For there do not exist as such, but the first two (winner conceptual de un reciente concurso de Fujitsu) y la tercera imagen, se acercan y asemejan a la realidad actual y futura, y además no tan lejana de los eReaders. Como puede ser esto:

Como veís ahí, se trata de una pantalla plegable que podría trasladarse al primer concepto de dispositivo plegable. Pero claro, aún tenemos más mejoras en este tipo de futuras pantallas. Y es que, como comentan en Engadget, Samsung ha anunciado el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo de pantallas plegables y táctiles cuya baza principal es que apenas se deterioran en la zona donde se produce el doblez. Según cuenta la compañía, la hazaña es posible gracias the use of two AMOLED panels, a special type of silicone and glass enclosure. Without going any further, its creators boast that the invention is capable of withstanding a maximum of one hundred thousand cycles of bending, without causing wrinkles or decrease the brightness by more than 6%.

And while the Samsung screen is not available yet, if we can see the current capabilities of the in vivo folding screens, with this video on a mobile phone with a touchscreen than 9 fold "in addition to allowing call also allow us to read books for example.

Now after all this, we return to the conceptual IAMG Fujitsu Do you seems so preposterous to within a few years? I already I'm imagining! And you?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How Long To Boil Sausage

Reader Aluratek

New book reader Reader Aluratek color by $ 130. is based on a 7 "LCD and has 2 GB of flash, a slot for SD , but no WiFi or touchscreen. has broad support audio and video , and support ebook includes EPUB , PDF, TXT , FB2. not compatible with DRM .

  • eBook support: EPUB, PDF, TXT*, FB2*, MOBI*, PRC*, RTF*
  • Audio support*: MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG
  • Video support: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG 4(Xvid), Divx, H.263, H.264, RM/RMVB, WMV7/8/9, MKV, MOV, VOB, FLV,
  • Photo support: JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG
  • Use Adobe Digital Editions software to purchase, download, view and manage your eBooks - Supports ePUB & PDF for all new release books
  • 7” Color LCD
  • 100 classic ebooks and 2GB built-in memory included
  • Bookmark function and auto page turn

  • Adjustable font size
  • Screen rotation support (portrait and landscape)
  • Built-in MP3 player with support background playback
  • SD card slot - up to 16GB
  • Internal lithium-ion polymer battery
  • Battery level indicator and low level warning
  • 1 Year Warranty

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sterownik Hp 1500 Win 7

Networks 94: The Quantum Universe uncertainty

The smaller scale of the universe which is governed by the laws of quantum physics seems a challenge to common sense. Subatomic objects can be in more than one room at a time, two particles at opposite ends of a galaxy can share information instantly, and the mere act of observing a quantum phenomenon can change radically.
In this program, Vlatko Vedral, a physicist at the University of Oxford, Eduard Punset explain how the strangest thing of all is that the universe itself would not be composed of matter or energy but information.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Most Powerful Desktop You Can Buy

Squadra Sutge in Jarama Moto Classic 2011, a tribute to all lovers of these machines

A KIND OF PASSION, a tribute to classic motorcycles and the people who love Them from Squadra Sutge on Vimeo .

Monday, April 25, 2011

Nauseated Pink Cervical Mucus


Make the following year once
(or daily, or as many times as you like)
and shares the title of this project and all information

entirely through Facebook, via Email, Hotmail, Messenger
in your blog, your Web
your friends, etc.
And on 12 June 2011 entered into
and show you the results of what happened this year
lift global consciousness: Exercise


once Breathe deeply.
Pay attention to your heartbeat for a few seconds.
Imagine that your heart is a spark of light.
With every beat your heart imagines light expands. With each beat
expands more and more.
light Your heart becomes like your whole body,
Then as a sphere that surrounds you,
Then as the whole room where you are,
then as a city block,
Then as your entire city,
Then as your whole country,
Then as all your continent
Then as the whole planet,
Then as the whole solar system, then
as infinite as the whole universe. Give thanks
and feel joy.
Breathe deeply.


Laser Anal Wart Surgery Will It Hurt

The Awakening of Consciousness and Ascension, by Gloria Jover

is the dawn of harmony and understanding among men based on a sensitivity that captures the divine energy manifested in the expanded consciousness of the New Humanity. Is a project that includes the transformation of the contemporary world as we know it.

Many also call it "The Ascension." Ascension is the raising of the vibrational frequency of our energy fields, to the higher octaves of light. Is the merger with our true nature. Ascender is to recognize our divine parent and regain the consciousness of who we are, is our way to reconnect with God, while we bring to God to manifest in our personality. And, with the reflection of light on Earth, we are making our divine purpose on the planet.

The Earth is currently going through the process of planetary ascension, which is a natural progression happens all the planets in a specific state of its development when the base change of carbon to silicon. Thus, personal ascension is the result of planetary ascension. And is exactly what we are experiencing in the present day.

personal ascension occurs with the active participation or not of us. But awareness of this process can be accelerated so that more people start waking up, going to help the planet in its transformation what causes it to occur without major complications (disasters, tragedies, natural disasters, etc.). This obviously also translates into less personal dramas to stop vibrating with the paradigms of the Old Energy (struggle, effort, suffering to evolve, stress, emotional overwhelmed, etc.) To connect with the grace and fluidity of the New Energy.

How this is manifested in our daily lives?

There are a number of signals. Enumerate some:

• Physical tiredness not relieved con el sueño, dolores en músculos y articulaciones, ciclos de sueño interrumpido (algo común es despertarse a las 3 de la mañana o muy frecuentemente), aumento o aparición de alergias estacionales (rinitis a repetición, estornudos), incremento de la sensibilidad a los alimentos (necesidad de una nutrición más sana), disturbios digestivos y desórdenes de la eliminación, recurrencia de viejas enfermedades o síntomas que parecían resueltos, zumbidos en los oídos, problemas hormonales (calores y sudores), linfáticos o inmunológicos y otros. Muchas veces, los estudios médicos no muestran nada anormal o son síntomas que aparecen y desaparecen solos o que son provocados by psychosocial stress.

• Mental: Investing words or confused in speech or writing, difficulty concentrating (especially spiritual books), confusion in making decisions that were once easy, high anxiety about the future without illusions about changes create changes, depression, stress.

• Emotional: sadness at the state of the human condition and hopelessness to create real change in the world, feel stuck in a rut and not knowing how change your reality, desperate to repeat what appear to be the same patterns, perhaps afraid of being "lost" something critical, numbness accompanied by distracting behaviors, an immense sense of release or termination of links or steps, feeling of inadequacy in significant relationships, anger by itself and general apathy.

• Social: breaks at work (losses, changes, indecision), feeling of being in the wrong race, feeling that is not really helping the world, plus stress and financial pressure, difficulty in clearly communicating ideas to others, angry with friends who have been sporadic, unreliable or missing, need to move to another part of the country or world, long wanted everything and leave.

• Spiritual: difficulty to contact the guides, challenges to quiet the mind for meditation, lack of commitment to spiritual practice, "forget" to pray, do not have the same "visions" before the spiritual disillusionment, feeling estranged from his reference group, longing or nostalgia for "Go home."

Perhaps you wonder why this is manifested in ways that are difficult and painful? Many believe that "being spiritual" or "promotion" means perfection and absence of conflict. In fact, the frequency of Ascension comes through a trial or leap of faith, where one doubts the very existence of the Divine for a time, from the dark night of the soul to go to a place much deeper than faith. This is a gnosis spiritual emergency. Gnosis means "to know the inner Divine Spark by direct experience."

Then, there are also signs of awakening :

• Physical: look younger, feel more vital awareness that comes hands and feet warm, high senses of hearing, smell and taste, becoming more aware of how the body moves and activate grace and fluidity through posture and breathing, pay attention to the places of pain / symptoms / disease body to learn its meaning and growth opportunities, seek professional holistic responsibility to assist in their own creations, plus ability to access inner peace.

• Mental: disconnect from the "white noise" and the negative information (TV, radio, gossip), more insight, ability to learn new concepts or language, enroll in a class of teaching "superior" to seek to connect through the eyes and heart, living in the here and now, gnosis increased (I know because I am experiencing).

• Emotional experience happiness simple things like a sunset or a smile reappeared ability to let the tears flow, increased sense of humor and fun of the ego, empathy and connection with people, eager to show emotions Instead of hiding the real me, give yourself permission to follow the desires of the heart ("I Am" and "I can" become the key words), release the need to control everything.

• Social: to find new friends or groups interested in the integrated life (balanced body-mind-spirit), meet nuevas personas “casualmente” y saber que esto es Dirección Divina, ir a nuevos lugares y salir de la zona de comodidad, ofrecer de corazón ayuda a los otros sabiendo que se está ayudando a uno mismo, saber que todos somos espejos de todos.

• Espirituales: ver lo Divino en lo mundano, experimentar verdadera rendición a la Voluntad Divina sin sentirse víctima de las propias elecciones, co-crear con Dios, amarse como se es sin la necesidad de calificar, pedir y recibir confirmación de los guías, sentir a Dios dentro del cuerpo, dejar ir las expectativas de cómo se cree que las cosas “deberían being "and accept them as they are, be guided by spiritual intuition rather than simply by fear, seeing the beauty and abundance in everything and everyone, being able to transcend limited perceptions of the Incarnation and see the life experience the reality of the soul, knowing that one is at home now.

Ascension, living in the New Energy is consciousness. Awareness that we are here to love, not to suffer or "compensate" for past mistakes or misdeeds. We chose to be here to forgive, forgive and love. Awareness that everything has meaning in our lives. This implies a steady stream of "awareness", experiencing the present fully. Awareness that we are a Being of Consciousness Star we are here to learn about free will, choice and the activation of our True Self in this dimension. Awareness that we are connected to everything, We Are All One and when we love another, we're loving, when we hurt another we are hurting. Aware that the energies are accelerating and aligning with the Divine Consciousness. We choose harmony or dissonance. The dissonance occurs when we forget who we are, when we fall in the first list of signals.

What are we waking up? A complete and fully aware our star. What are we loving? To ourselves and our soul, which is the same as loving all. What are we forgiving? Each and every one of the experiences we've ever had and they were based on the lack of love What are we healing? Each and every one of the parts of our Holy Being that are disconnected (or dissonance) of the One Source of Light and Love that we were created. Every moment is a time for change, for awakening.

What we can do to accompany the changes in harmony?

• Adopt a flexible attitude: Do not judge or reject the new, feel and not think.

possible • Minimize contact with negative information and enlighten the power of the word is not to escape reality but to create a true reality, the result of our power Creator. We attract what we are. Avoid negativity-laden conversations and NO (I can not, I'm not, I have).

• redefine who we are and what we do: the crisis of global unemployment is an indicator of the economic and social changes that lie ahead. We must transcend the title or work activity which we have chosen and look at our gifts and abilities. It gives us pleasure and joy to make, why we are easy and which expresses our creativity and personal touch is what we are called to do.

• Join the cycles of the spiral of evolution: the transformation has a cyclical pattern: back up what picks up momentum. Therefore, if we feel we've lost our way, lets take it in stride and know that we are living the clean and jerk for the next level.

emerge • Let our Inner Child to bring creativity to our lives: the imagination, the freedom to create, intuition, enthusiasm, emotions are the heritage of the Inner Child. Heal it, hold it, nurture it, love it a priority to help us find our true path.

• Let us accommodate new relationships and accept the culmination of some close relationships: Some grow or take on new perspectives, other demands distance and other, more loving and healthy start.

• Let us know that every illusion, every lie, every disappointment and every deception will be revealed, regardless of the consequences that this brings as a result, every soul has been given the opportunity towards the recognition, of seeing what the game of life has occurred and embrace each experience for its fullness and completeness. Deny only increases the game suffering and duality. No place to hide and there is nothing that can remain hidden long.

• Acknowledge fear to transform and integrate through the Light and Love: Love and Fear are the two aspects of duality on Earth. Light shows us that love is all there, hence as increasing the light is present, the ego defends his only tool: fear (with its multiple facets: anger, rage, abusive behavior , envy, hate, etc.).. Learn to transmute fear into love

• We choose to apply the Principle of Light and Love to personal relationships, the formation of companies and organizations: Love is the essence of solidarity, compassion, respect for the other, community awareness , care of the environment, healthy work. No longer possible to build any social or economic system based on abuse and violence.

•'s connect with our heart and we pay attention to intuition when choosing a new place to live, if we are not in an area to keep our energy high or if Sorry we no longer belong to a particular geographic area, make the case and let us go.

• nourish our spirit through contact with our planet and all living beings on Earth and Nature are our livelihood, support and the means to connect with our true essence . Align with the cycles of nature gives us back the lost harmony and reestablish a healthy pace. We contemplate, relax, breathe, walk, anything to help us.

• Let us hope Kindness and unconditional love our Guides and Beings of Light of the Universe who have joined us in this wonderful period, all self-appointed us to walk this stage of Ascension were joined and supported in that decision with love and joy by Beings higher dimensions of Light. So no one is alone, no one is forgotten, no one is lost. Remember to connect and seek and find the way to the light.

In this new paradigm:

• We came to Earth to manifest new and wonderful things in the name of the Creator. We are fulfilling our mission when we believe and claim all the love, beauty, generosity and abundance the world has to offer. Our mission is love, create, enjoy and share.

• We affirm, visualize, dream and wish all you want, but if we do not believe that we are worthy of prosperity and abundance, we do not reach the endless supply of wealth . We will be putting a barrier between us and the gift of creation, through the negative thought forms that we have built around us.

• It is not necessary, nor effective, pray, pray or ask for wealth. It is ours to make. As a facet of the Creator, there is nothing outside of us, no external force that meets our desires. Claim is within us. The Creator will not intercede or interfere nor will it give us anything. Remember we were told to go out and create in the name of the Lord. Therefore, we are co-creators of anything we've experienced and we're going to experience. So why not start creating love, joy, peace and abundance in our lives?

• Remember: Let's heal and let go of the past. Visualize and establish goals for the future. Take the necessary action to bring our vision to taste. Live in the present moment, as it is the only time we can tap into the Energy Cosmic Life Force, from which all things are created.

• duality features released are: listen to the language of our soul, which speaks through our feelings, act on this language and create the changes you want to make our soul, to assess the time when we are alone, and that only in silence can we hear the whispers of the soul, questioning the authority of thought patterns or rules of behavior that block the free expression of our true inspiration and aspiration.

• There is nothing and no one can take away or reduce the love that the Creator has for us. We are a facet of the Heart Divine Love of the Creator and as such, our divine birthright is assured. All you have to do is claim it.

• Love comes in many forms. Only we can decide how we will express the precious gift of Love Sintámoslo, experimentémoslo the best for ourselves and repartámoslo.

• We can be or have or become anything we can visualize.

I have tried to summarize the enormous amount of pipelines on the New Energy. I hope I have been able to shape a new vision for your life and have given you the tools to do so. The biggest is that you recognize a Divine Spark of God's heart and as such entitled to co-create what you seek.

I am here to accompany you in this beautiful process of Ascension.

Jover Compiled by Gloria Zapata Member


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Discoloration On Dog's Mouth

Networks 91: Light and oxygen to cure, Eduard Punset

multidisciplinary In today's world, it is no wonder that medical therapies are developed interesting synergies arising from: to treat some types of cancer and infections, chemists have known combining the power of a drug with the light and the destructive force of active oxygen.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Abscess In Soft Palate

resistance Consequences 1 st race - Alcarràs


After a week of relaxation not to approach the bike, letting it sit, in the end we got to try to analyze what, how and why we left lying on Guzzi Alcarràs .

With age, one will learn to ignore their instincts, or feelings, or female sixth sense, call it whatever you want.

The thing is, remember, the bike was perfect the whole race, until, after cut before the bend, opening again at home straight clingclingclings began a massacre of the engine.

The pit stop we decided to tweak it seemed it could be, but in the end, based on the feeling that gave me the bike up, desábamos rather what it was. So fret on, seeing that the points were blazing, changing capacitors ... Overall, nothing.

Well what was. Once at the Ufficio Corse, the first thing that occurred to me is to lift the nocks, to see if it had a valve out of adjustment.

The appearance was normal, but I decided to watch the play. We took the alternator cover, allen axis crankshaft and the engine started to turn ... until it is nailed. Shit! This is too hard! We give the starter motor, and turns, but no hand.
So, let's open the crankcase below to see why.

By removing the oil plug first ... Surprise! And copper pieces (or rather bronze) glued to the magnet of the cap. This is serious ... One begins to spin ... ayayayyy ...

and removed the bottom plate of the housing. The board "Sutge Racing" is a fucking. A good invention, we suppose.

But we soon to confirm the drama. The base of the chip pan full of some yellow metal.

That one begins to wish, as the color of broken metal, which are the plain foot rod, by the thing that kills reencasquillarlos the dog and the dead rabies. More than anything, because they were mounted as is, without verifying or anything. But that's in doubt, many questions ...

Anyway, to lift and remove cylinder heads to see where the drama.

And once outside, and is then ... While connecting rod (connection rod / piston), fucking big end (connection rod / crankshaft). In fact, the front rod (cylinder right) caps completely destroyed, with a fucking slack between rod and crankshaft (hence the clingclingcling)

dismantle the two cranks, and rear the situation is not much better. How can it be? If precisely in this motor are neck and bench grinding crankshaft with new rod bushings and bearings also new front and rear?

therefore will be I loaded the motor. The two heads of connecting rod and crankshaft neck to hell. But ... if the big end shells are silver ... why there ferricha gold? There

I left. Few want to continue gutting the bike.

several questions now arise:

What else is affected? We must remove the crankshaft and check their bearings.

If they are wrong, it will be a general problem of crankcase oil level. But how will it be lack of lubrication? The oil pressure warning light is not lit at any time during the race, or even throughout the whole lap I gave after fault.

That may make us suspect something ... It oils the front crankshaft bearing and the oil continues upward through the casing, giving the control oil pressure, that is clear. But that does not necessarily indicate that the oil to flow through it down into the crankshaft bearing and stud ... While it may be rare, because the oil also reached into the rear bearing crankshaft from the same system from the oil pressure pump. Crankshaft inside full of mange? Impossible. I swear I cleaned. Sealed ducts in the crankshaft? Amosnomejodas, like, the cleaned.

So ... we have to suspect other things. A bad crankshaft grinding neck? A bad tightening connecting rod bolts?

will have to wait to remove the crankshaft, and see how far the drama has arrived. Scares me, because they also have to make some effort to turn towards it. Very rare. To see if the main bearings too ...

At least it will not be abandoned by a twat (go comfort) and you really could not do anything to follow. In other words, the platinum ignition fucking works. At the moment?

73 days remain for the second race. To see if we can. But for now, the Jarama have to go with the one that never fails ...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kidde Smoke Alarm Model 1276

Free Hugs: Love in Action


Monday, March 21, 2011

Générateur De Clé Cd Mount&blade

Catalan Cup Resistència Classique I - Alcarràs

Sutge Squadra This Sunday premiered in competition, with a balance, for us, rather than positive. Although for the bike not so much as see. First things first

The beginnings

We had all winter turning to this in viejunas bikes and circuits, and we conclude that, put as put, had to run in any race . Come for quarantine, and we have two haircuts, so I was concerned to seek the most appropriate competitive.

Deccla? Castilian-Manchego? Methods? We were, when called, taking advantage of modern motorcycles, the Catalan Cup Classic resistance. 4 runs 3 hours, 3 at Alcatraz and in Castellolín spread throughout the year. There was an opportunity to miss.

So get to work. All winter gear trying to tune the Ducati Dramah (trying because there is left) and making from scratch Guzzi LeMans. And finally we go if we get!

De Sutge
Here it would be our team leader. He does not deserve to leave ... but hey, we want it.

So, with the bikes more or less ready, we needed to test them. With the Circuit de La Selva closed again, the Virgin appeared to us a shot tomorrow in Castellolí, on 5 March. As Oscar (also known as manic world) could not go, there it was il Capo di Officina with both bikes.

05/03/1911 - Castellolí - First test

The summary of evidence is the word disappointment.

Guzzi Early in the no was left boot and Patras. David gave us a starter next generation chanante (still have to give back glups) could not with the bike (the original Bosch long story). Starter Section Igualadina almost melted .... a drama.

The starter "borrows" . O directly manga . Thanks David!!

Tired of doing the monkey, and remove the bad taste, I tried to start the Ducati. Ni pa


So ... Back to the Guzzi. In the end, we remove it with tweezers by pulling car, and half an hour we were rolling. But wrong. The fork, infamous. The gas, hard as a rock. The brakes, mate. A disaster.

I went to rest awhile, and try to boot it again (now the starter and could, I suppose because the rings, timing chain tensioner and new driveshafts and had "set) the bike would not start. Or menace, go. Total, with no anger I happened to watch what was clear ... the stop button. With the bike half cleared, I turned on the little light y. .. obviously off button. And I struck another little light ... I go to the y. .. Darmah off button. Damn!

On button on the Ducati, Starter, two kicks and the bike up! Well, as I owed something to that bike, I went with it. Result? The infamous fork, and did not exceed 6000 rpm.

So we went back to the Guzzi. Started well, it worked better, and we re-entered. Handed it to Jordan, which has criteria for a test drive and came with the bike would not or Patra. A spark was missing a cylinder. If wearing a new Dyna electronic ignition!! Total

, collect and house. A disaster, but that we were going to try. Now we knew where to look.

Section Igualadina Here, one of the sufficiency which looks Sutge bikes. Time puts everyone in place, you know Xavi ...

03/11/1911 - Calafat - Second Test

During the week two separate firings fix the two bikes. The Guzzi will install the points and condensers, with two balls, to the former. And the Ducati will quill well lit.

Besides, the two dropped a heavier fork oil.

for things that happen, a pilot was to Calafate and the other Alcañiz, so everyone go through with his bike for testing. Mal, I know, but it is what it is. In Calafat

the Guzzi was fine. A delight. Plucking out the first and fastest times in the last year Morini. Obviously, you say. I was not so clear ...

The tested Jordi and Xavi, and noticed that they promised that bike. The usual "what a good bike off if he had good pilot



only detected a minor little problem (I thought) the overflow vent oil, which was filled in a couple of hours. Nothing serious.

03/13/1911 - Alcaniz - Second Test bis

There was testing the bike Oscar. The fork is that bad, and says he still did not pull the bike. Next time prove a power curve more "aggressive."

Still, as saying that the bike took 185km / h, I doubt not stretched. Will just be down from the 848 to test the Darmah ...

Here Mañica testing the Dramah.

19/03/1911 - Alcarràs - Checks and Free Practice

not missed a couple, the Squadra Sutge is targeted to the endurance championship. It was decided to go with the Guzzi, which has electric start and is more proven. But of course, a driver does not know the circuit, and the other had never tried the bike. Go box.

The dorsal chosen ... tempt fate!

So we decided to go the evening before the race, making a batch of one hour Alcarràs. A race simulation, well, a release half-hour each.

So, accompanied by the respective, which we fondly refer to as our "girls of the wall" (it will) raise in the circuit, and the first, we take to make the administrative checks (no more) and techniques (another story).

Aaaaaaay techniques. I stand there with amos, made a few foxes, and as they see me coming, I come one like a Mihura.

So without anesthesia, I loose:

, that shirt you're wearing is wrong
-forgiveness? "Those
Moto Guzzi have no idea. It is not 1921, is 1931. They do not know, but they are so happy to celebrate the 90 anniversary, and is actually 80.
- In addition, since that's sold Madell del Lario, because it is in Lake Como, know, and that is very expensive, and since it was sold, are not aware of anything, who have now gone to an industrial estate somewhere.
-... ... ...
(I pray I apologize, because the transcript of the conversation is not accurate, but is that the shock was too fat and I have in my head like a nebula. I follow)

Overall, I start looking at the bike. My first time!!

- It lacks the plug in the bathtub
-... urrr ... Why bath?
- tray to collect the oil.
-... urrr ... (That's all, overcome nerves, was right to articulate)
"Besides, you've done with a glued plastic folder (This is true, then I caught, but could see nothing wrong with that)
-... urrr ... urrr ... But (and that emboldened me) the regulation says nothing about a cap! "As
not ?!?!?!?! Let's see the rules (and that scares me)

Nothing, there with one commissioner (so-called?) Reviewing the regulations, which, incidentally is not saying anything about a cap. And there next to Vanessa, my favorite girl in the wall, not knowing whether or Descojonado acojonar. Cáptese hue.

The truth is that the man was very friendly. It was his task, and I think he was the head of modern regulation. The fact is that I they found out that calls for a cap to open it in case of rain, and the tray will not fill with water. Did not tell me what happens if the engine burst, releasing the oil with the cap open, but I chose not to ask. Instead, here I thought "I'll be nice"

-Come on, if not going to rain!
-mmm .. (Mirada. unclassifiable .. ... with a raised eyebrow)
-Y (and less "smiling"), if it rains we remove the tray and peaceful ...
-mmm ... mmm ... (Both eyebrows raised) Let's see the wheels! Wheels

well, well seals, vents, oil well (I was there leading the Lord, that will not look at more things) the original deposit, original discs, dual piston calipers ...

-and these brake lines?
-well ... brake, that
, which are metal-urrr
... well yes ...
-which are not of the age-urrr
... no, they are new ... made now ... are doing now ... no other, no?

Well good! we live out there? Was the bike behind Catrain (peazo BMW) waiting to check, y. .. I swear that the Adam's apple was going up and down, up and down ... and if you see the bike, no wonder.

-now we do have a problem
The urrrr -... ... arrrrghssss ... "That fist
gas has two wires
-urrr ...
-clear can not be
-no? "I do not think

- (gotcha there, I thought) The regulation only prohibits gas cuffs with side, and besides, this is traced to the original, with two cables (I, Sapientino plan, I knew the rules the deditllo). If you like, we'll see a LeMans parked up there in the parking lot (indeed, had seen the spot)
-no no, not necessary. we will see the regulation

And the helmet. AHHHHH the helmet!! Come find the seal on the label homolgación factory. Tag, you can imagine, was twisted and crumpled (lately I like that word, I've already cast) you can not see. He even gave an eraser to clean it up!!

Well, I finally got the seals and we could get out.

*** I must say that the Lord was very nice, and I repeat, I had in mind the rules of modern, and as I was the first to check, hence the mess) ***

Well in that Oscar came and checked the bike, just had to teach him his helmet.

Mañica: Well actually there that I'm completely happy with the helmet in one hand and the monkey in the other. When I arrive, there are other photo teaching participants the type of verification of what is a "classic bike racing." And suddenly, without eating or drinking, they get a blast telling me that if our tail is ugly, that if the bike is not able ... I defended myself by saying that we were starting, and other bikes very well prepared, also out of court and lost oil ... That turned me a little, and that he had not yet seen other parts mounted participants clearly not allowed in the regulations, such as four-piston calipers, floating rotors and shocks with remote reservoir. After participants understand why others were armed with vintage photos ... but that's another story that we will not discuss here (but I had to say), hahaha

After fighting a bit with the coach because it was the helmet specification label could spend my check and I ran to tell Agustí that had been put on our bike, haha. But I must admit that the guy in the end, I fell funny.

Shortly before 6 we put on fighters, and took off, the first hard it is to say, the bike.

tandita We went to the (first me, to see if the bike was working or not) and then Oscar.

Alcarrás. At 6 pm the princes of March. Viewed in the plane oriented so that the mythical fall two percent Nosecuantos speed corners, going in a westerly direction. What do you suggest?

Exactly! My deflowering in the mythical descent of Alcatraz, dazzled by a beautiful sun setting on a clear day (almost) spring. Jooooooooder. No comments. Di 6 or 7 laps, trying to see where the shots came, and good in the end I did wrong. I left happy with a 2.22. To freak out, which will be in the morning ...

And it fell to Oscar. And it broke his bike! Remember that just as I had never shot at the legendary track, Oscar had never tried the bike. And usual, I took 9 seconds. We never stop complaining, that if the gas is hard .... if the fork is moving in the right-curvón (there is a right-curvón?) that if the downshift sinks back (hell, as it takes gimbal) that if you hard, so ...

Mañica: My first contact with the Guzzi did not bode well, even though the driving position seemed quite comfortable. The gas was mega-hard, an exaggeration, and the front fork was vibrating a lot in the long corners, so much that we had to release the gas to stabilize the bike. And then there was all that entails Guzzi itself, which was new to me, the gimbal and shock in these reductions and climbing gear. Especially reductions scares me a lot. I spent half an hour fighting with the bike and I was very slow, so I finished a little worried, especially considering if I could endure the pain of the wrist the next day.

Anyway, the final good. It was worth going to test the day before, and so well, sleeping in Lleida, getting more fresh (not calm, as we shall see)

However, before we left, we showed up and salute the team Catrain, and he ask permission to leave the bike at night in his box (bike worked, eye), which he accepted graciously. A faultless performance to their ... rivals? (Or rather, for with such motorcycle Scoundrels chunga). A gentleman and very polite.

Indeed, a memory for him and his team. We wish a speedy recovery.

So we gathered, we went to Lleida wall with the girls to shop, to dine and sleep. But that is not subject to this story.

03/20/1911 - Alcarràs - On D

Then came the coveted appointment. Rare in me, eyes wide open at 7 am. And a stomach ache .... fuck, what nerves.

met the required ritual Coffee, cigars, doll ... and we're going to circuit.

First, look for a compilation to share box (which the charged part, the circuit). Very nice, we went to Fontquerni & Co. handing costs. Very good company, and we help each other.

And so, without warning, atontao with nerves, opens the pit lane and start the qualifiers. Run run!!

And the bike ... not start. The eggs in the soil. More specifically, you gave it the power button and that did nothing. One overcomes, is that there is battery (tester) y. .. a great evils great remedies. A screwdriver to bridge the starter solenoid and the bike up in a second.

Hala. Hit the track. With nine guys doing time. Jodeer.

And I mark time with the blackboard. 2:25. Jodeeeer. More than yesterday.

Here is a paragraph. What the blackboard. Before running, you feel a real bullshit. I going to mark time? Go now. Pa what? To me nervous?

Well gentlemen, you should know, is most useful. Test things and see if they work ... and not stressed at all.

And faith that our girls of the wall (hence they are, are those that governed the issue pizarril) did cojonudas. I can not understand how it mounted with an iPhone, the framework, single issues ... but the truth is I compared a couple of times that marked him with what Oscar put the TV official time was inside the box (total MotoGP, hey, selojuro) and it stuck. Milk. and above what appeared to be passed from mother bitch. This was a party. Thanks beautiful !!!!!

Finally, rallao, agobiao, knackered, I'm in just 6 laps and give the bike a Manica. JAJAJAJAJA trust in you. And what if we do well.

Mañica: This was the most stressful time of the entire weekend, have a responsibility to try to make a good back with a bike that I do not understand ... Minutillo was only 20, but I noticed that little by little I learned a little more. I saw my mistake was not to reduce gas use, so I corrected this and I felt much safer, now the bike culeaba no longer in the reductions. Of course, one has so much to think and analyze in such a short time, the straight leading up to the last corner I say goodbye and I took a nice walk in the woods alongside the road ... O_O 'Mother, then just thought "If I fall Agustí kill me!". Luckily after a caper worthy of the circus could get back on track and spent by the Swedish goal making me as if nothing had happened ...
uncle all happy (well, complaining about the gas, as always) and that which, against all expectations, it appears the great Jordi Cortiella your Guzzi!! Damn, what a joy, and as we shall see, the guy was with us by Filippo Preziosi, Vittoriano Guareschi, Jeremy Burgess and Adriano Celentano together. A LU ZO JA.

We had more than half an hour until the opening of pit lane for the race, and we got amend "little things." Normal. Fork seals "sudan" (or rather drip), overflow pipes hanging, calculation of gas we had spent half an hour (I'll explain it) and the famous boot.

Illustrious visits ...

Looking looking ... brown cable, hidden under consideration rpm, next to the fuses, torn from its connection, or fastom. Sometimes I bring you fat, sometimes I bring you thin ... How can it be? Impossible! If yesterday it worked, ergo the cable was connected, and overall, the bike was all night in the garage of a rival team ... I do not understand ...

Well, in those almost got close the pit lane. And Pallas is Oscar. With two balls on top of two cylinders.

come with bike to the exit?
or loneliness teammate ...

a turn and training warm-up lap.

Standing for the parade lap

Haibo! We left fifths! Before the ex-Segarra Guzzi # 66 !!!!!!! Nian nian ...

Rehearsing the start, and drawing to make the donkey
Notice how we do not lose any opportunity to lowest ranked opponent (then you fuck alive, but that's another story)

Mañica: Against all odds, once I was on the track with the bike and wrapped by all, was very quiet. See that we had not classified the latter, despite having driven penalty gave me confidence, and I thought the race could continue learning and improving the time, so I Mentalic that it was like a roll over and I decided, to least try not to fall off into the bike, hahaha

Finished the warm-up lap (how cool), Oscar the other side of the track y. .. output.

Mañica: Agustí Notice how, rather than watch, it occurs to continue tinkering on the bike. Mecagoenlaleche, more stress upon the race and the guy does not realize that already has next to me, haha, pa kill him.

First Relay - Oscar

Luckily the left. I was a nervous wreck. Fatal, I was having an awful time. He

a tiempazos of the host. I left the bike in fourth or fifth. Whatever. I take care of me and let me pass.

Just do not agree well indicating signal that would leave the pits before indicated by the board, and I got a helmet and gloves and removed twice JAJAJAJAJA

Seeing what he was doing, I begged and pleaded with the girls in the wall that give 5 minutes more (and cuts me my change), to which, with the permission of Burgess (who passed it on great saying what had to be marked on the board), kindly agreed. But it was inevitable, and was approaching the time of the relay.

Mañica: I must say that the issue of the board is worthy of further analysis, because I sometimes I do not jibe with what I marked what I did ... hahaha. But it was a puntazo, most curious of the race and what, on a track so little crowded, it made you feel that yes, you were not just shooting, you were competing.

out bad I did not want to Calara me the bike and I did everything very quiet, so I forward the two bikes in our class behind us, but I managed to pass them on track and concentrate on turning saw . When I saw that in a few turns we were below the qualifying time was a great joy and encouraged me to keep progressing, that feels great. Gradually I got used to the throttle, but the vibration suspension, especially in the curvón the right, the bike was ungovernable. That was my black spot throughout the race circuit, in addition to the first turn right, slow, that I went through and made it very slow, but not for motorcycles, but by me. Two areas to work hard next time.

Second Relay - Agustí

Everything happens very fast, although the video does not seem so.

arrives, go down, you step as you said "go fuck it, is a fucking, disfrutraaaaa, gassssssssss" Start the engine (which starts well, bad me is to say) and buzzing sales.

is the moment of truth. For a couple of hours, the track has shrunk. Telojuro. First a left ... ayayayyyyy ... and after a while you say ... eh! Mañica has brought you boiling tires, running 20 seconds faster than you. Tomb of the bike, shit!! And you give. With fear, but you give.

And spent the buzzing flies, and you see there screaming, cheering ... and think ... "What nice people are, with the penalty that I'm giving"

And that you get the first hack, and bad manners. FUCK! Van knife! Jopts giblets!! Vas becoming aware that this is for real. And you lose two turns thinking about it ... until you put another hack ... and react.

Enough. You're in a race, you say. Do you expect? You to yours !!!!! And there is only the door, his ear on the engine, an eye on the needle and the red line, and those two numbers you teach and connect with you out there.

And in a couple of times you see the board (you see nothing more, really, just those numbers, phone numbers, and not even see the 2, only what comes back), and behind those numbers say "20" . Well. It is no longer 25 ... and then a 19 ... and say ... fuck, I'm driving, improving, because there in the I have nosequé curve, and look, 19 ...

And suddenly ... "IN." Ya? Well okay, the joke, fine, that I am having an awful time. And you get into pit lane, I confess, with a sigh of relief.

Third Relay - Oscar

it comes or not?

Paro, under me, gets Oscar and say "pull, pull!". But look at the bike (late) and immediately say "for !!!!"

Damn, escape hook and full oil overflow. Shit. "The stand !!!!"

and pulls, there same, helmet, gloves and clean out, drain oil, wire, hang escape ... But strangely there I was in my salsa, hand in hand with George, and Oscar would think about ... "That's it? Hell, if it has lasted little resistance" ... and I began to relax. "No problem" I was telling George, "and I do" ... and I "stop, stop" JAJAJAJA

This will fix it in a flash Jajajja How great

Cap problem. Moto arranged, Oscar over, start (how good start, he had said?) And walking. And here

and was the mess. The bird started to make some tiempazos the chalice. 2.5, 2.04, 2.03, 2.02!! (Well, according to the official trainspotting scored 2.03 and peak, but if the girls say the wall was 2.02, who are we to believe?). Jodeeeer, I thought. If I'm lucky in 2.19! (Jordi telling us that "align" the times on the board, of course)

And I relaxed. I took off my helmet, sat down, pesh pal cigarette outside the box, the other side of Pit Lane, bananas, coke, pipi, another cigarette pesh pal ... well. "This is fucking great. The bike is going to shit, you know it ... you're having fun !!!!"

And you go running to the wall ... "The need to come out?" Questions. And I look to face ... "Be possible? There were so shit?" JAJAJAJAJA

These tell you "ready to go." OK. Cap problem. Pipi, helmet, gloves ... And we Pall. The relay ... what longing!!

Fourth Relay - Agustí

Pillo the bike with a vengeance. Eager. I do not know what Oscar says (something "was going too fast already and I preferred to stop") and go fuck out. Luckily we were near the end of pit lane, but we are penalized for speeding, the desire he had.

look back, third, visor down, fourth, eyelash fog, braking, third, Pegaditas the piano ... now! padentro curve y. .. RRRRRAS Damn! Knee to the ground. With the Guzzi? Hush hush, strip strip.

Fourth. Second fully counterclockwise. Leakage. The cuartaaaaa gasssss stripper .... braking the angle ... blast your blast your ... wait wait ... Now! RRRRASSSSS Damn!! Right knee. Pafuera strip strip! Fourth!! Then right braking, braking, third ... there in the patch that ... NOW! RRRRASSSSSS leftist curvone JUARRRRRRRR This is cojonudooo !!!!!!

Well, here was already the famous slope, and did not enjoy much. Rather it was a "fuck fuck fuck" ... but go, just turn around, and a couple more you make 2.17. Cojo.

Come on, where I scrape something? That end of the straight, braking. Where did you stop before? Before the pit exit line. OK. A by line. You brake there, and follow you for brakes. Perfect

What else? Mañica you said? Ah yes, the throttle down. Well, it will be no, but now try to open earlier. And you do. Well. The bike moves a little but well.

now? sisisisi, the entry of goal that you both shit and brake you have to give back to gas before you arrive. Oscar said that in earlier bankruptcy. A for him. And you do. Sobrado, cojo. Oysters! How nice! I got the fourth before the bridge!! It works!!

and spend two laps and see ... Oysters 2.15!!

so good And you keep doing the same. Each time a little more, thinking about what you've done and what will you do to improve. It seems strange, can not seem to be thinking all this under the hull, but yes I do, in a split second. meter by meter, curb to curb, and read a couple of turns 2.11 !!!!!!!! Cojo

!!!!! Come on down the slope, which give full throttle between the two curves, a little more, you can do from above, but slowly!

And now the line input. Come, do not cut to the break up, in fifth! Well

Sales to the line and ... Oysters! Do not pull!! What happens? Shit, the reserve (Yes, he had a reservation without calling to let us know. For it is not? It is clear that it had nothing of consumption. Another day I explain hahahaha). Damn, well, put it. Boooo Boooo ... the other tap ... Booo booo ....

far, yet. The clin affright came with the clinker clinker. Comor? Clinker clinker Clinker ... Ostia!! Low march ... cliclicliclicliclinc !!!!!! Ostia! Upload a march ... boo booo .... Shit .... I passed the entrance to Pit Lane .... well, at least let you know that will come (and I see that played in the previous round, and I was so scrawl that neither I had enterao the "IN")

For hala, a full turn at low speed (and did not clinker clinker), looking back at all straight and lifting your arm so you do not bugger such as follaos exageraos going, trying to devise what may be the clinker clinker eggs ... And that clinker clinker in the middle of an endurance race ... with a motorcycle of 200 kilos ... scares. A lot.

your way to the Pit Lane, and going down to first, PAF and the bike dies. Stalemate and reach it without pushing box (it's something) Oscar

next to me went up and stare ... will be no. Bring caballeteeee !!!!!!

Note to Manic hands behind his back, as if to say ... I do not play anything ... Jordi

as good Burgess, is interested in the subject. We tried the button .... not start. Bizarre, no? how well that started ...

Hala. Gloves to take the ass (Photo Josema)
Note to the ladies on the back wall crestfallen

Darkly I am very calm. I guess I enjoyed it so much I think ... "OK, last, but we will. This will fix it." I came flowing a valve adjustment screw loose ... but John said no. Neither speaking. "Clinker clinker Clinker in high? This is going to be on that point is gone" I agree. Let's look at the spark plugs.

going to be the board of the sheaves. For when he says that he wants? JAJAJAJA
(Photo Josema)

perfect plugs, with spark ... suspect. Leave leaves, we'll see the points ... Levanto

distributor cap (Burning hands, of course) and give the boot. Ostia, who sparks. Yast! Capacitors!! A change! Ah

friend. What do you think you that. Capacitors I have but ... puts his hands between the two cylinders raging ...

And that I get "what contractant" of the federation. A very nice older gentleman, I do not know what I said:
-escolteeee, that repairs must be made within the box "
- (here there urrr urrr) as
?!?!? - (putting a paternal hand on shoulder) anything that you know for next time, that the repairs within the box (in that "for next time" I think that influenced huge screwdriver I enrabolaba in his right hand, holding with malicious intent treacherous pliers in the sinister)

Then, I realized that I watched a guy in front of the box, dressed in overalls, who asked me if I was myself, to which I said yes, but as yet had goose that screwdriver in hand, he told me he saw it was not the best, and I to mine, which was grateful. (Do not know him, but a greeting, I did not have in mind) EDIT: As I write this, I received a mail Josema Vila-Seca. I knew virtually Guzzistas issues. Came along because she smelled something classic, saw the banner of the Squadra Sutge y. .. Pallas I get in the box JAJAJAJA I owe you a beer.

Well, we got to connect two new (?) Condensers, making them the most mass possible with a wire slut. And hell, start the engine!

Oscar! Parriba !!!!! And Uncle ... the cove. Suptmdr !!!!!

Again ... Go!! Come come ... Hey, a finish, eh? A walk. Sale

buzzing, look at the bike, listen away, you look at Jordan ... "Does not sound bad, right?"

and reaches the first corner ... and see how far ... no ... no ... remains.

The downturn here is indescribable. I went there. I thought 'well, I'll bring him and the bike. " And I left. I went to the other side of the paddock, with his boots on (what I have left cinematic simile), monkey, and an orange cloth in his hand. Needed five minutes.

Mañica: Lamadrequeparió to Agustí, I go out on track and happy all at the first corner ... booooooo Boooo ... I'm lying. I was in a dangerous place and not dare to pull it out, that did not look good. But we were about 20 minutes of running and I think we can continue inentándolo, back on track if only to make a turn and take the points. So I take off my helmet and under a blazing sun shot into the box by vial. Damn, how heavy the Guzzi, I got tired more walking these meters in the race. The commissioner tells me I have to take up the box or are out of the race. Agustí see who comes running to help me and shouted "do not touch me! !!!!!", Not touch me lol, what momentazo.

In that I'm back, sadly, the box and get to see Oscar in the distance, pushing the bike, with a commissioner to side with the doily ... and I thought (telojuro) Hijosdelagranputa!! What will you do come walking? And I ran over there. Now angry.

What an ass I am. It is an endurance race!! The pilot has to get to the box alone so you will not disqualified!! Thing I did notice the Commissioner just before I succeeded in saying what he thought of the situation jajajajajaja
that less evil than the straight (and the Pit Lane) is on the rise, and Oscar and the bike came in down.

I had left, but Oscar would say,

-again. arranquémosla
- Oscar, that you will be thrown in atomarporculo
- yes, just!

And I looked at Jordan, that made me face "well, yourself, if you want to give, but ..."

Well, that was like a chapter of emergency (within the box, already warned before), when electrodes take those ... we connected in parallel with other battery clamps because we were killing that led ... I managed to change another capacitor ... we put in a starter gave us ... piiiiiiiiiiiiip .... nothing

And there, sadly. Deep sadness.

downplay the issue ...

Mañica: Yes, this moment was critical, but also very epic and very nice. We should not give up, I trusted Agustí and Corti, and what we could do was surrender. I was sure that at least I could go for a lap or two, even at idle and see the checkered flag. If I get shot again, at least we would have tried. At the end could not be, but I'm very proud of what we all did, and how we are attuned as a real small team!

Epilogue Thanks to all who respect me, left me alone (I know JAJAJAJA) until I looked to them. Oscar, Jordi, the girls of the wall (they have names and are very beautiful, Vane and Nuria).

De Downloads
here with the big big Jordi Cortiella . Without him we would not come here.

Then you miss. See what you've done. A brand that appeared in the workshop in November ... Four months ago, you've cleared whole screw to screw, you've made it work (and well), your teammate can get a bike that time thirty years ago, with strict serial engine with its miles of hills that nobody knows ... that's a failure? No daughter ... that's a hit !!!!!

Okay, yes, it would have been the host end.

But I'm sure that in the next, when we finish, the team rolled up we are, you know riding a bike and do not know of bolts that screw the other knows and does not know riding a bike, we beggar boxes for circuits with a trailer, a few seats in the Decathlon and ice bar. .. when we finish the next ... not going to be the host, will be the rehostia!!

Because we have cost even more. And, as

Mañica .... nothing else, but of illusion, we go about.