Monday, March 17, 2008

I Need A Poem To Go With A Movie Themed Basket

Why film?

Why film can be a good resource for working with youth?

Because cinema is the medium where they live literature, theater, music, visual arts, because it is more than the sum of its parts or, in any case more (or less) than the sum of all those languages .

For those languages \u200b\u200bwe can think and work individually with each of them in an objective function is always linked to the language of film.
Because we can forget for a moment the movement to look at a painting.

Because we can stop in a photograph.

For a landscape is a painting and a photograph frame, silence and the silence is like oxygen for music and music we think, based on a painting, a photograph, a landscape and we can discover what music comes to us from those places.

Because we find that some books I have ever heard or saw name on a shelf or read, turned into movies and even surprised with the amount of films that before were only books. Because

films also have a book designed exclusively for film and because there are people who write movies that are not only books, because books of the films are called scripts. Because the films

tell stories, and stories take place in places, and places are in a place that is not the place where the spectators. Because movies are a gateway to these places. Because

stories to be told require people who sometimes are very different viewers and sometimes not.

Because things that happen to these people remind us of things that happen.

Because those people that we mourn, laugh, dance, are actors. Because the actors are people who look remarkably like people they represent and because sometimes people represent themselves in films documenting things.

For all these things, and the possibility of articulation with other courses offered by working with movies, we can think of activities in which the young people to discover and enjoy movies, while developing their own ideas from their tastes and interests, guided by who is coordinating this activity. We offer these guidelines for creating a film club in the CAJ.

A film (fiction or documentary) is a territory of representations which can acquire different meanings, but never lack of it.

film's narrative can capture the way in which a film trims and develops "a" social reality within a context doing more or less explicit ways of being, thinking, of being both an author, a director, a writer, as a community, thus opening a real social setting from which challenges us.


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