Monday, March 17, 2008

20 Hp Outboard How Fast

What a film club?

The film is an educational and culturally relevant media enables new ways to have fun, learn, be linked with art and people ... What if we make a film club?

note then no claim for completeness, the general objectives of a film club in the framework of CAJ:

1. Generate a meeting within the framework of the CAJ, from the experience of the screening of a film and the subsequent debate on it.

2. Help boost ties between the school, the CAJ and the socio-cultural.

3. Facilitating the communicative function space as public speaking exercise, encouraging dialogue, argumentation and substantiation of opinions.

4. Contribute to the cultural education of adolescents and youth, and her aesthetic sensibility, from the enjoyment of cultural productions.

5. Create spaces for the dissemination and investigation of films and to establish possible links with literature photography, music and theater.

6. Open space enriching intergenerational communication, adult-young, around the film and the practice of debate.

7. Develop links with cultural and educational institutions.

8. Assess the relevant artistic cinematography in different historical periods, national and international.

Infrastructure and basic tasks

Film societies, at best, can operate in an auditorium, although this condition is not essential as they may develop in small classrooms or in any other place to install a TV and VCR.
In fact, new technologies can bring out the film society activities in many areas. The cinema can be seen in theaters and the media is film, which requires different equipment we are proposing in this case.
For the operation of a film club in the Youth Activity Center is therefore necessary to have a movie viewing room and an adequate number of seats, depending on the capacity of the room. [6]
For specific technical resources, the basics is to have a TV and a VCR.

Should have audio equipment, it can connect to the video and improve that way, the sound environment. If you program
hour movie, it is necessary to take into account the levels of light in the room, so it is necessary to think in shades or black construction paper to darken the space. A room too bright conspires against the concentration of viewers and worsens the quality of the image.
Before the screening of the film, it is necessary to "check" the sound, the operation of the VCRs and copy quality.
should be protected from shocks and dust in the equipment and materials and cleaning of the heads of a VCR once a semester, according to the dynamics of these projections, taking care of the technical elements of the movie rental and the organization and development of everything necessary for the operation of the activity:

1. Films (if VHS) should always be rewound after being used.

2. The films must be kept at their original cover or box.

3. It is advisable not to advance or rewind the video cassette to play. Ideally, press Stop and then forward or rewind, unless the intention is to display a detail of a wall, a special effect frame by frame, into a specific passage door, etc.

identified tasks (and others that are necessary) are important for the proper conduct of activities. Film club members form a team that, although not fixed and contemplate the replacement of its members should plan to distribute these tasks and to ensure responsibilities, anticipating the times, etc.

and organization design cycles

The "core" of a film club, is organizing film festivals and debate. This means taking into account issues such as:
For the development of programming can be a survey of the interests of the audience, which does not mean that the selection must inevitably pandering to public interests, it is possible that within a cycle not all movies are "fun" or "easy" to see.

The existence of a vast film production, to organize exhibitions on various themes, much as interest may arise.
Film societies, unlike commercial showrooms have the advantage of being able to schedule movies without being tied to the roster of hits. This does not mean you have to exclude them, but we can on the basis of this advantage salvage titles that went unnoticed at the time of its trade show and resting on the shelves distributors or video stores.

Moreover, it is possible to negotiate with other institutions (film libraries, embassies, colleges and universities, cultural centers such as the Goethe-Institut, Italian, Brazilian, French Alliance, etc.) Transfer, loan or rent Movie of significant value, not commercial.

The film club, samples can be programmed documentaries, retrospectives, films that have been important in the history of cinema (classic), avant-garde (French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, French Impressionism, German Expressionism, the early Russian cinema, Dada experiences and Surrealism, etc.). Imaginary movies that outlined ways to look and see us in every decade, as well as the most representative of each genus [7] .

can be programmed also cycles of "auteur cinema" based on the work of various directors, soundtracks, cinematographers, etc.
may likewise imagine crossing signs on various topics, including: film and tango, film and political movements, film and social change, film and sports, film and literature, identity, gender , human rights, world culture, technology, etc. For these cycles

is advisable to generate guidelines for the review and discussion of the film, in order to enrich the exchanges.

organize film series to encourage discussion then consider the following questions:

• Define the axis of the cycle: by subject, directors, actors, times, etc. [8]

· Search films in video format (video stores, cultural institutions, etc.), It is possible to think of some kind of agreement with institutions, CAIEs of the province, [9] embassies, shopping cultural, for variety of titles at affordable rates or loan.

• Define, invite and ensure the presence of the person coordinating the discussions.

• Design and printing of the program (biography of directors of each film sheet [10] , critical comments, insert pictures and / or other information considered relevant.) This information can be obtained via the Internet, for example, or simply extract the relevant information is printed on the cassette cover. In some cases it may be a summary of the plot in advance and looking at teaming up with some language and literature.

· Management expenses: transportation, work materials, "publicity and propaganda, etc.

· Announcement: who, when, where, how, etc.

· Fitting of the site.

Along with the activities of programming cinema - debate can develop enrichment and other activities that give real dimension to the operation of a film club. Among them are proposed:

a) Preparation of technical guidelines and analysis of the films to be projected for use in different curriculum areas.

b) Developing critical to collect impressions after each screening, allowing re-think the selection criteria for future programming.

c) Finding information about directors and films: ideology, artistic, historical background and context of the film in his work. [11] .

d) Creation of a database related to the film club.

cineclub Other possible activities
The following is a brief list of activities that can develop in the context of a film club, as well as support the development of cinema-debate:

a) Conferences on topics related with film.

b) Introductory courses and seminars film [12] ;

c) Dialogue with professionals from different areas of culture, as part of a projection.

d) script-writing workshops [13] .

e) Making child cycle (or for specific audiences).

f) What about comics-pictures-scripts. Let's see how this proposal could be developed:

A film is a more within the universe of audiovisual productions and therefore there are other ways to produce that do not require registration with camera or crews.

Example: A comic is an image and text, the encounter of these two records on the reader that unites and decodes the message in the story.
however, and may be the logical succession of drawings as the Story Board of a movie as a comic, the story is drawn from the film, frame by frame exposed through pictures that show the frame to make and texts accompanied with corresponding dialogues. It is very useful when shooting, since it facilitates the work of technicians especially in action sequences. It is essential where there are special effects that have subsequently overlap.

In this regard, with a slide projector can be drawn on translucent paper and project drawings on a white wall, then putting sound from a computer, recording voices, music, ambient sounds.

If you have a scanner can scan drawings and works on the computer with a design program and then using, for example, the movie maker [14] made an edit [15] musicalized for see on the computer screen or download the information to a CD, should have recorder.

If we think in these terms or any other you can think of to generate your own images, is possible to develop activities such as:

· Selection of music for scripts or scenes produced by young people.
· rewrite the argument of the films from different perspectives.
· Realization of a comic book on the subject of a movie or one of its most significant or original idea of \u200b\u200byoung [16] .

The film is an educational and culturally relevant outreach
enables new ways to have fun, learn,
to link with art and people

... What if we make a film club?


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