Monday, May 23, 2011

Fastest Shutter Speed On Point And Shoot Camera

BEA: Book Expo America

From today 23 to 26 May is the book fair held in USA. BookExpo America (BEA) is North America's largest gathering of professionals from the publishing industry by attracting even international audiences. is organized with the support of the Association of American Publishers (AAP) and the American Booksellers Association (ABA). BEA is recognized by the media as an important fair, as they unveil the next book coming, and the presence of notable authors appearing at the convention.

And in this fair we will have the presence of three exhibitors very special. One is Apple, which last year was but as an assistant, not as an exhibitor. We will have a Barnes & Noble on 24 plans to present his new book reader MyNook . And the other very high-profile presence is confirmed and the Amazon, which will pro the first time in this fair.

Amazon will not only assistant but will exhibitor at BEA this 2011, even have a the best tents . not big, but one of the main entries . Surely the Kindle will be published prominently in his tent, accompanied by his other brothers Kindle Kindle 3 and DX, but here comes the interesting question Do we have any surprise? Appears tablets or Amazon? Will their code names, and Coyote Hollwood, real?

I will keep you informed of this exciting event.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Minnetonka Moccasin Company Dealers

Winner of I Concur bq

Well, we finished the contest sponsored by bq which I called for contributing your picture of the world ebook / eReader. And after a tight vote to get the first job that involved our contest prize, a bq Pocket Plus, we have a winner.

Or in this case, we say the winner, the follower of the blog ESTELA , with his drawing " On the beach" was the winner with 11 votes. Followed by "Boxing match " with 10 votes, " Students" with 4 and finally "Dog reading" with 3 votes. (I will vote on the page a few days if there is any claim)

Congratulations to the winner, thanks in part to the finalists and thanks to the blog users who voted in the contest. Hopefully we can soon make another contest with another theme and with a payout.

I leave again with the winning design.