Friday, March 11, 2011

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Prayer for Japan, Humanity and the Planet

The power of thought and prayer are indisputable and has been found throughout the history of mankind and endorsed by the current quantum physics. But you have to know how to pray ,
have to do with fairness, love and hope, ignoring the pain, suffering, images of suffering, etc. Otherwise, which emit or send to the Universe is colored and limited by the vibrations last coarse and dense.

We must pray with Love and Hope. Of all the methods I know to heal or pray at a distance, you expose the most powerful and effective I have known, is called the Mudra of the Conception. Practise with these circumstances in Japan and also with respect to all humanity, the Metro and in your own daily life.

Miguel Angel Darshan
on behalf of itself and the whole team Vitae Lux Light of Life

Each person in the place that is most favorable
(home, nature, work ...)

Mudra or position of hands:

Why a Mudra?

The word "mudra" is of Sanskrit origin and means "energy density", and this concentration of power we use for a particular purpose.
Why mudra of Conception?

"When we do the mudra remember that we are in communion with creation, we remember that the moment of conception is present all the energy of creation that life can manifest itself in the matter, and remember that constant presence here and now, at all times.

We ask this energy of creation, this presence, the best for the circumstances to the person object of our meditation and lovemaking.

We ask what must be, not what I want it to be, not impose my personal will, let it be God's will that act.

When you learn this mudra is very easy to do and very useful. Gives us great peace and reminds us that everything is perfect, though we can not understand. No need to understand.

At that time we suffer, we returned to the unit, back into the void, where nothing and everything is the same, there can be no suffering, no trial or punishment. Everything is perfect, there is only peace and harmony.

are doing this mudra aware that we are in Communion with Creation, Communication, and we know that we are light and love, and walk toward the Enlightenment.

serves for oneself or for any person, group, situation, etc.

We may ask what is best for those who know that they suffer but do not know, in case of accidents, wars, fires, earthquakes, floods, disasters, etc.

We ask for the items on the planet.

The first thing you're doing this mudra is a great sense of peace, we feel calm before the fact that a moment ago we were concerned. In this attitude, spontaneously radiate harmony and serenity to the circumstance or the person or people who once made us suffer, from the serenity and harmony understand things differently and we can help others, even in our thoughts serene without harmonic becomes necessary action.

It is called "mudra of conception" because we played the point reflection of the moment of conception, which is the first joint of the thumb. We played with the middle finger, and also to remember that all power of conception is present here and now, we are integrating the thumb, which is directly related to the mind, with the middle finger, which is directly related to the heart.

We are integrating heart and mind, creating unity in ourselves and resonance in the environment. As has always been and as always be.

also recall that the design is still in every moment, every thought, every word, with every action. We continue to develop ourselves and the world around us.

Now, from this attitude, conception is aware, from the Light and Love, and the result is harmony, peace and serenity. Started to conceive of a world of Peace, Unity, Love and Brotherhood. "

the book" The Metamorphic Technique and Children "
Author: Maria del Carmen Boira
Editorial: Indigo
All rights


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