Monday, April 25, 2011

Nauseated Pink Cervical Mucus


Make the following year once
(or daily, or as many times as you like)
and shares the title of this project and all information

entirely through Facebook, via Email, Hotmail, Messenger
in your blog, your Web
your friends, etc.
And on 12 June 2011 entered into
and show you the results of what happened this year
lift global consciousness: Exercise


once Breathe deeply.
Pay attention to your heartbeat for a few seconds.
Imagine that your heart is a spark of light.
With every beat your heart imagines light expands. With each beat
expands more and more.
light Your heart becomes like your whole body,
Then as a sphere that surrounds you,
Then as the whole room where you are,
then as a city block,
Then as your entire city,
Then as your whole country,
Then as all your continent
Then as the whole planet,
Then as the whole solar system, then
as infinite as the whole universe. Give thanks
and feel joy.
Breathe deeply.


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The Awakening of Consciousness and Ascension, by Gloria Jover

is the dawn of harmony and understanding among men based on a sensitivity that captures the divine energy manifested in the expanded consciousness of the New Humanity. Is a project that includes the transformation of the contemporary world as we know it.

Many also call it "The Ascension." Ascension is the raising of the vibrational frequency of our energy fields, to the higher octaves of light. Is the merger with our true nature. Ascender is to recognize our divine parent and regain the consciousness of who we are, is our way to reconnect with God, while we bring to God to manifest in our personality. And, with the reflection of light on Earth, we are making our divine purpose on the planet.

The Earth is currently going through the process of planetary ascension, which is a natural progression happens all the planets in a specific state of its development when the base change of carbon to silicon. Thus, personal ascension is the result of planetary ascension. And is exactly what we are experiencing in the present day.

personal ascension occurs with the active participation or not of us. But awareness of this process can be accelerated so that more people start waking up, going to help the planet in its transformation what causes it to occur without major complications (disasters, tragedies, natural disasters, etc.). This obviously also translates into less personal dramas to stop vibrating with the paradigms of the Old Energy (struggle, effort, suffering to evolve, stress, emotional overwhelmed, etc.) To connect with the grace and fluidity of the New Energy.

How this is manifested in our daily lives?

There are a number of signals. Enumerate some:

• Physical tiredness not relieved con el sueño, dolores en músculos y articulaciones, ciclos de sueño interrumpido (algo común es despertarse a las 3 de la mañana o muy frecuentemente), aumento o aparición de alergias estacionales (rinitis a repetición, estornudos), incremento de la sensibilidad a los alimentos (necesidad de una nutrición más sana), disturbios digestivos y desórdenes de la eliminación, recurrencia de viejas enfermedades o síntomas que parecían resueltos, zumbidos en los oídos, problemas hormonales (calores y sudores), linfáticos o inmunológicos y otros. Muchas veces, los estudios médicos no muestran nada anormal o son síntomas que aparecen y desaparecen solos o que son provocados by psychosocial stress.

• Mental: Investing words or confused in speech or writing, difficulty concentrating (especially spiritual books), confusion in making decisions that were once easy, high anxiety about the future without illusions about changes create changes, depression, stress.

• Emotional: sadness at the state of the human condition and hopelessness to create real change in the world, feel stuck in a rut and not knowing how change your reality, desperate to repeat what appear to be the same patterns, perhaps afraid of being "lost" something critical, numbness accompanied by distracting behaviors, an immense sense of release or termination of links or steps, feeling of inadequacy in significant relationships, anger by itself and general apathy.

• Social: breaks at work (losses, changes, indecision), feeling of being in the wrong race, feeling that is not really helping the world, plus stress and financial pressure, difficulty in clearly communicating ideas to others, angry with friends who have been sporadic, unreliable or missing, need to move to another part of the country or world, long wanted everything and leave.

• Spiritual: difficulty to contact the guides, challenges to quiet the mind for meditation, lack of commitment to spiritual practice, "forget" to pray, do not have the same "visions" before the spiritual disillusionment, feeling estranged from his reference group, longing or nostalgia for "Go home."

Perhaps you wonder why this is manifested in ways that are difficult and painful? Many believe that "being spiritual" or "promotion" means perfection and absence of conflict. In fact, the frequency of Ascension comes through a trial or leap of faith, where one doubts the very existence of the Divine for a time, from the dark night of the soul to go to a place much deeper than faith. This is a gnosis spiritual emergency. Gnosis means "to know the inner Divine Spark by direct experience."

Then, there are also signs of awakening :

• Physical: look younger, feel more vital awareness that comes hands and feet warm, high senses of hearing, smell and taste, becoming more aware of how the body moves and activate grace and fluidity through posture and breathing, pay attention to the places of pain / symptoms / disease body to learn its meaning and growth opportunities, seek professional holistic responsibility to assist in their own creations, plus ability to access inner peace.

• Mental: disconnect from the "white noise" and the negative information (TV, radio, gossip), more insight, ability to learn new concepts or language, enroll in a class of teaching "superior" to seek to connect through the eyes and heart, living in the here and now, gnosis increased (I know because I am experiencing).

• Emotional experience happiness simple things like a sunset or a smile reappeared ability to let the tears flow, increased sense of humor and fun of the ego, empathy and connection with people, eager to show emotions Instead of hiding the real me, give yourself permission to follow the desires of the heart ("I Am" and "I can" become the key words), release the need to control everything.

• Social: to find new friends or groups interested in the integrated life (balanced body-mind-spirit), meet nuevas personas “casualmente” y saber que esto es Dirección Divina, ir a nuevos lugares y salir de la zona de comodidad, ofrecer de corazón ayuda a los otros sabiendo que se está ayudando a uno mismo, saber que todos somos espejos de todos.

• Espirituales: ver lo Divino en lo mundano, experimentar verdadera rendición a la Voluntad Divina sin sentirse víctima de las propias elecciones, co-crear con Dios, amarse como se es sin la necesidad de calificar, pedir y recibir confirmación de los guías, sentir a Dios dentro del cuerpo, dejar ir las expectativas de cómo se cree que las cosas “deberían being "and accept them as they are, be guided by spiritual intuition rather than simply by fear, seeing the beauty and abundance in everything and everyone, being able to transcend limited perceptions of the Incarnation and see the life experience the reality of the soul, knowing that one is at home now.

Ascension, living in the New Energy is consciousness. Awareness that we are here to love, not to suffer or "compensate" for past mistakes or misdeeds. We chose to be here to forgive, forgive and love. Awareness that everything has meaning in our lives. This implies a steady stream of "awareness", experiencing the present fully. Awareness that we are a Being of Consciousness Star we are here to learn about free will, choice and the activation of our True Self in this dimension. Awareness that we are connected to everything, We Are All One and when we love another, we're loving, when we hurt another we are hurting. Aware that the energies are accelerating and aligning with the Divine Consciousness. We choose harmony or dissonance. The dissonance occurs when we forget who we are, when we fall in the first list of signals.

What are we waking up? A complete and fully aware our star. What are we loving? To ourselves and our soul, which is the same as loving all. What are we forgiving? Each and every one of the experiences we've ever had and they were based on the lack of love What are we healing? Each and every one of the parts of our Holy Being that are disconnected (or dissonance) of the One Source of Light and Love that we were created. Every moment is a time for change, for awakening.

What we can do to accompany the changes in harmony?

• Adopt a flexible attitude: Do not judge or reject the new, feel and not think.

possible • Minimize contact with negative information and enlighten the power of the word is not to escape reality but to create a true reality, the result of our power Creator. We attract what we are. Avoid negativity-laden conversations and NO (I can not, I'm not, I have).

• redefine who we are and what we do: the crisis of global unemployment is an indicator of the economic and social changes that lie ahead. We must transcend the title or work activity which we have chosen and look at our gifts and abilities. It gives us pleasure and joy to make, why we are easy and which expresses our creativity and personal touch is what we are called to do.

• Join the cycles of the spiral of evolution: the transformation has a cyclical pattern: back up what picks up momentum. Therefore, if we feel we've lost our way, lets take it in stride and know that we are living the clean and jerk for the next level.

emerge • Let our Inner Child to bring creativity to our lives: the imagination, the freedom to create, intuition, enthusiasm, emotions are the heritage of the Inner Child. Heal it, hold it, nurture it, love it a priority to help us find our true path.

• Let us accommodate new relationships and accept the culmination of some close relationships: Some grow or take on new perspectives, other demands distance and other, more loving and healthy start.

• Let us know that every illusion, every lie, every disappointment and every deception will be revealed, regardless of the consequences that this brings as a result, every soul has been given the opportunity towards the recognition, of seeing what the game of life has occurred and embrace each experience for its fullness and completeness. Deny only increases the game suffering and duality. No place to hide and there is nothing that can remain hidden long.

• Acknowledge fear to transform and integrate through the Light and Love: Love and Fear are the two aspects of duality on Earth. Light shows us that love is all there, hence as increasing the light is present, the ego defends his only tool: fear (with its multiple facets: anger, rage, abusive behavior , envy, hate, etc.).. Learn to transmute fear into love

• We choose to apply the Principle of Light and Love to personal relationships, the formation of companies and organizations: Love is the essence of solidarity, compassion, respect for the other, community awareness , care of the environment, healthy work. No longer possible to build any social or economic system based on abuse and violence.

•'s connect with our heart and we pay attention to intuition when choosing a new place to live, if we are not in an area to keep our energy high or if Sorry we no longer belong to a particular geographic area, make the case and let us go.

• nourish our spirit through contact with our planet and all living beings on Earth and Nature are our livelihood, support and the means to connect with our true essence . Align with the cycles of nature gives us back the lost harmony and reestablish a healthy pace. We contemplate, relax, breathe, walk, anything to help us.

• Let us hope Kindness and unconditional love our Guides and Beings of Light of the Universe who have joined us in this wonderful period, all self-appointed us to walk this stage of Ascension were joined and supported in that decision with love and joy by Beings higher dimensions of Light. So no one is alone, no one is forgotten, no one is lost. Remember to connect and seek and find the way to the light.

In this new paradigm:

• We came to Earth to manifest new and wonderful things in the name of the Creator. We are fulfilling our mission when we believe and claim all the love, beauty, generosity and abundance the world has to offer. Our mission is love, create, enjoy and share.

• We affirm, visualize, dream and wish all you want, but if we do not believe that we are worthy of prosperity and abundance, we do not reach the endless supply of wealth . We will be putting a barrier between us and the gift of creation, through the negative thought forms that we have built around us.

• It is not necessary, nor effective, pray, pray or ask for wealth. It is ours to make. As a facet of the Creator, there is nothing outside of us, no external force that meets our desires. Claim is within us. The Creator will not intercede or interfere nor will it give us anything. Remember we were told to go out and create in the name of the Lord. Therefore, we are co-creators of anything we've experienced and we're going to experience. So why not start creating love, joy, peace and abundance in our lives?

• Remember: Let's heal and let go of the past. Visualize and establish goals for the future. Take the necessary action to bring our vision to taste. Live in the present moment, as it is the only time we can tap into the Energy Cosmic Life Force, from which all things are created.

• duality features released are: listen to the language of our soul, which speaks through our feelings, act on this language and create the changes you want to make our soul, to assess the time when we are alone, and that only in silence can we hear the whispers of the soul, questioning the authority of thought patterns or rules of behavior that block the free expression of our true inspiration and aspiration.

• There is nothing and no one can take away or reduce the love that the Creator has for us. We are a facet of the Heart Divine Love of the Creator and as such, our divine birthright is assured. All you have to do is claim it.

• Love comes in many forms. Only we can decide how we will express the precious gift of Love Sintámoslo, experimentémoslo the best for ourselves and repartámoslo.

• We can be or have or become anything we can visualize.

I have tried to summarize the enormous amount of pipelines on the New Energy. I hope I have been able to shape a new vision for your life and have given you the tools to do so. The biggest is that you recognize a Divine Spark of God's heart and as such entitled to co-create what you seek.

I am here to accompany you in this beautiful process of Ascension.

Jover Compiled by Gloria Zapata Member


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Discoloration On Dog's Mouth

Networks 91: Light and oxygen to cure, Eduard Punset

multidisciplinary In today's world, it is no wonder that medical therapies are developed interesting synergies arising from: to treat some types of cancer and infections, chemists have known combining the power of a drug with the light and the destructive force of active oxygen.